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Running Start

Running Start is a program that allows 11th and 12th grade students to take college courses at Washington’s 34 community and technical colleges. The added bonus is the cost savings, as students receive both high school and college credit for these classes, thus accelerating their progress through the education system.

Running Start students have the opportunity to finish their high school diploma while earning college credit. When the decision is made to become a Running Start student, the student assumes the personal responsibility of making sure they are knowledgeable about state required tests and events at Interlake and Bellevue College class registration dates.


Information Session Information:

If you did not get a chance to attend the Information Session presentation on January 31, 2024, you may view the presentation here. Or view the slide deck. RS Info Session Slides

To participate in Running Start, this Running Start Agreement Form (Contract) must be signed by both parent and student and submitted to their Interlake counselor.

Please view this link from Bellevue College on important dates and information sessions

Complete the Bellevue College Application.

Make sure to select “First Year” when applying not “Running Start”.
Bellevue College Application

ANY and all questions about admissions/ status for new students need to be sent to


Important: Full-time Running Start students must be enrolled in a minimum of 15 college credits.

In order to help you keep up to date with critical Interlake information, we have provided the following links to necessary information. Some key points to remember:

  • You are responsible for setting up a meeting with your IHS counselor at least 2 weeks prior to each enrollment period to have your Enrollment Verification Form signed.
  • If you are taking classes at both Interlake and BC, it is your responsibility to coordinate your BC schedule so that you do not miss Interlake classes. Arriving late or leaving early from a Interlake class is not an option.
  • The Bellevue School District covers the tuition for BC classes up to the state limit of 21 credits.  Students are responsible for other costs including:
    • Tuitions for each credit beyond that authorized on the Enrollment Verification Form.
      • Submit the form online using the link below. This process requires you to login with your NetID, and upload your EVF in PDF format.
        *ATTENTION: It can take up to 10 business days for our office to process the form.


New Running Start Student Enrollment Verification Form Submission

    • Tuition for any below college level class (classes numbered under 100 – for example: Math 075-099).
    • Textbooks and class fees.
    • Parking and transportation.

Fee Waiver:

Student may qualify for a fee waiver if they receive any of the following:

  • Free/reduced meal program
  • TANF Benefit Statement
  • Foster Youth
  • Medicaid ID Card and Statement
  • Basic Food Statement
  • Other State and Federal Supported Programs

As of Winter 2021 quarter and moving forward the Fee Waiver does not cover Tuition charges from Running Start students enrolling in credits over what the high school approved. Approved credit amount is based on the Running Start Enrollment Verification form that is submitted every quarter.

Due to COVID – 19 we are now accepting electronic signature from the student. All Fee Waiver documents need to be scanned and emailed to

Fee Waiver Petition